About the Creator

Nickesha Charles MS. Ed is a special education and TESOL teacher with over a decades worth of experience in the classroom. She is also a parent to a son with executive dysfunction, so when she saw a resource was needed to help her son, she created it, in the hopes it could help others.


$9.99- $14.99

The TRAKABI Planner

TRAKABI (TRACK-a-bee) is a planner designed to assist students with executive dysfunction. With its simple student-friendly design, TRAKABI aims to enhance productivity, reduce stress, and improve time management and organizational skills for students who struggle with executive functioning.

***Available is Paperback (8.5″ x11″) and Hardcover (6″ x9″)


Get organized, stay focused, and achieve your goals with the TRAKABI Planner! Designed for individuals with executive dysfunction this planner provides a solution. It’s Ideal for use as an IEP driven management need, resource for parent engagement and as a habit tracking tool for students.

Helping students develop good habits is foundational to education. The TRAKABI is an excellent tool for your child or student to cultivate and maintain positive habits. With its user-friendly design and customizable aspect, the TRAKABI can be tailored to fit each student’s unique needs, behaviors and preferences. By using the TRAKABI, students can track their progress, set achievable goals, and develop important skills such as time management and organization.

Whether it’s establishing a consistent study routine or handing in assignments, the TRAKABI can help students stay accountable and motivated to reach their full potential. As a result, the TRAKABI can be a valuable asset for parents and educators looking to support their student’s personal and academic growth.

Get yours today.